Sunday, June 13, 2010

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Our "Littlest Pieces"
Meet Nevaeh Sky and Bella Moon...our Great granddaughters. Our oldest grandson, Danny, and his wife, Whitney, are the parents of these two cuties.

The other day when I went to pick up Whitney and the girls to go to Nevaeh's last day of pre-school and swim party, I was greeted at the door with great big hugs ffrom both of the girls. Nevaeh then looked up at me and asked..."Grammy (as she gently squeezed my arms), how come you are so squishy?"

Being at a loss for words and not wanting to spoil the moment, I looked at her and said..."Oh that gives me more to love you with"! She seemed very content with that answer, and I am now thinking..."maybe it is not so necessary to work out any more. This must be the way Grammy's should feel"

Thank goodness I didn't celebrate my squishy by eating a huge Banana Split.

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